
Good news from disciples in Ramstein

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This has been an amazing year for the Ramstein Church! We wanted to share with our brothers and sisters around the world.

  1. We had two new sisters baptized into Christ on Sunday! One is our first German national convert!
  2. Our house church of 13 disciples had seven friends join us on Sunday.
  3. Two women who are adult kingdom kids stationed here in Ramstein have decided to study the Bible.
  4. One of the new sisters is already being encouraged by God because her husband has decided to study the Bible as well. He had his first unofficial Bible study last night.
  5. Another sister who is married to an atheist has also been encouraged by God recently as well. Her husband asked her to help him pick out a Bible for himself so he can start reading!
  6. A quick fact about our small fellowship: We are making disciples of all nations — we are American, German, South African, French, Filipino and South Korean.

Please pray that we continue to seek God’s will and plan here, to see the harvest before us, and be willing to continue in the good works he has provided.

To God be the glory!