

Isaiah Outline from Relate4ever
1-12 Message for Judah and Jerusalem
13-23 Destruction for other nations
24-27 Punishment for Judah
28-39 Assyria and Babylon Invade Judah
40-55 Rescue from Babylon
56-66 Rebuilding Judah

Ie-ShaIah means Iehovah is Salvation.
Key chapters: 2, 40, 53, 58, 59, 61.
God was telling the Prophets what to speak with the people. When the leaders led the nation to repentance,
they had peace and prosperity. When the people would not repent, they would be invaded by foreigners, left without proprieties and taken into captivity. God is always sending a leader to call the people to repentance in order to save the people from sin and death and give them life and eternal life. We follow Christ as an example, what to say and how to say it. What do we need to change today?

How do you use what you understood from this book of Isaiah?
Isaiah is one of the most important books of prophecy in the Old Testament since it covers some of the most important time periods. Isaiah was a contemporary of Micah and Hosea, who prophesied at the same time. His prophecy was in the form of warnings about what would happen to Judah (primarily) if they did not turn from their sins and turn back to God. The book is as much a warning to us, if we don’t turn from sin and turn to Christ as it is to the people of Judah. If we wish to secure salvation and eternal life with God, we must follow His leadership and turn from sin.
Thank you for presenting the book of Isaiah; it is such an important book that teaches us many lessons.

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