
Where Love Dwells

1951-845-1404 Beaumont Church of Christ at 960 East Oak Valley Parkway, Beaumont CA 92223 – Where Love Dwells Ministries

Peace dear friends, everyday we remain in the Scriptures to grow in faith and meet to love one another, singing, praying, in English Spanish Romanian



Preaching the Gospel of God’s Love for Unity and Order in the Family and in the Church from 1st Corinthians – ENSPRO

How to put order in your life and have peace instead of confusion? Following what the Son of God taught on every subject.
How to have a good fruit? Keeping the unity between us.
How do you feel loved and how do you love: Words of appreciation, deeds of service, giving necessary things, spending quality time?



 Paul to Corinthians about Order and Suffering EN SP RO

🟢 How do you describe or explain the message from the letters of Paul to the Corinthians? How can you use what you understood?

1 Corinthians for the order with love in the Church of Christ
Paul Planted Corinth Church in Acts 18
1 Unity Call In Christ 2 Teaching Wisdom
3 Team Work 4 Apostles Suffering
5 Treating Immorality 6 Resolutions 7 Marriage 8 Food and Idols
9 Servants Rights 10 History Examples
11 Service Order 12 Members to Complete
13 Love is Charity 14 Gifts for Edification
15 Gospel of Resurrection 16 Giving and Greetings 

2nd about suffering and sacrifice of the servants for the saints

1 Greetings and Visit Plans 2 Penitent Offender and Triumphant Ministry

3 Accredited and Glorious 4 Honest and Suffering

5 Hopeful Devoted Reconciling 6 Approved and Appealing Heart

7 Comfort and Confidence to Give

8 Collection for the Saints 9 Encouragement to Give

10 Defending Apostolic Authority

11 Boasting 12 Rebuke 13 Warnings


Love suffers long, has grace, does not envy, does not brag,
is lowly, behaves decently, seek not her own, is not provoked,
think no evil, sad in iniquity, rejoices with the truth,
bears all, believes all, hopes all, endures all.He died, for our sins according to the scriptures, He was buried and He rose again on the third day and He was seen.

We are ambassadors for the Anointed and Yehovah is calling through us on behalf of Yeshua: Be ReConciled to God

Săptămâna asta citim scrisorile pentru Corinteni.
Vezi RomânăSpaniolăEngleză
Mulțumim pentru participare. Ce să ne rugăm pentru tine?

Ce te-a ajutat cel mai mult din scrisorile lui Pavel pentru Corinteni?

1 Corinteni pentru ordine a Bisericii lui Hristos

2 Suferinta si sacrificiul slujitorilor Unsului pentru cei salvati


Vedem Fapte 18 cum Pavel a plantat biserica din Corint
1 Apel la Unitate 2 Învățarea înțelepciunii
3 Munca în Echipă 4 Viața Apostolilor
5 Tratarea păcatului 6 Soluții 7 Căsătoria 8 Idolii
9 Drepturile Slujitorilor 10 Exemple de Istorie
11 Ordinea Adunării 12 Membrii de completat
13 Iubirea este Caritate 14 Cadouri pentru Edificare
15 Evanghelia Învierii 16 Dărnicia și Salutările

Dragostea este rãbdãtoare, plinã de bunãtate, NU invidiazã,
NU se laudã, NU este necuviincioasã, NU cautã dreptatea sa, NU se mânie,
NU se gândește la rãu, ci se-ntristã de rãu, și se bucurã de adevãr,
acoperã totul, crede totul, nãdãjduiește totul, suferã totul.

Unsul a murit pentru păcatele noastre, a fost îngropat şi a înviat
apoi S-a arãtat ucenicilor și apoi celui care-i persecuta pentru a-l converti.

Esta semana leemos las cartas de Pablo para los Corintios y nos reunimos enlinea en Inglés Rumano Español ¿Qué orar esta vez?

¿Qué te ayudó más de las cartas de Pablo a los Corintios?

1 Corintios por el orden con amor en la Iglesia de Cristo

2 Corintios para el sacrificio de los servidores

Habla a los hombres para edificación, exhortación y consolación.
Speak unto men, edification, and exhortation, and consolation.

Sed niños en la malicia pero maduros en el modo de pensar.
Be children, in malice, and in understanding, be men.

Oraré y cantaré, con el espíritu y también, con el entendimiento.
Pray and sing, with the Spirit, and also with the understanding,

Dios no es de confusión, Dios es de paz, en todas las iglesias.
God is not, of confusion, but of peace, as in all the churches.

Hágase, todo, decentemente, y con orden.
Let all things, be done, decently, and in order.

God bless you 🙏Please GIVE to support Relate4ever  



Esta semana leemos las cartas de Pablo para los Corintios y nos reunimos enlinea en Inglés Rumano Español ¿Qué orar esta vez?

¿Qué te ayudó más de las cartas de Pablo a los Corintios?

1 Corintios por la unidad en la Iglesia de Cristo

2 Corintios para el sacrificio de los servidores1 Llamada de Unidad en Ungido 2 Enseñar Sabiduría
3 Trabajo en Equipo 4 Vida de los Apóstoles
5 Como tratar la inmoralidad 6 Que tal con las Resoluciones
7 Que tal con el Matrimonio 8 Que tal con la comida y los idolos
9 Derechos de los siervos 10 Ejemplos malos de historia
11 Assemblea en Orden 12 Miembros para Completar
13 El Amor es Caridad 14 Regalos para la Edificación
15 Evangelio de la resurrección 16 Ofrenda y saludos

El amor es sufrido, es benigno, NO tiene envidia, NO es jactancioso,
NO se envanece, NO es injurioso, NO busca lo suyo, NO se irrita,
NO piensa mal, NO se goza de injusticia, se regocija en la verdad,
todo lo sufre, todo lo cree, todo lo espera, todo lo soporta.