

This week we read 2nd Corinthians – then we meet online Sat 2022-04-23 in English Spanish Romanian
Thank you for sharing! What to pray for you this week?

🟢 How do you describe or explain the message from the letters of Paul to the Corinthians? How can you use what you understood?

1 Corinthians for the unity in the Church of Christ

2nd about suffering and sacrifice of the servants for the saints

7 replies on “Corinthians”

Jesus is Our Lord, Our God, Our Savior!! He’s Our Living Hope…. nothing is impossible without Him. Believe that in your heart and confess that with your mouth. Arm yourselves in the FULL armor of Our God. Remember we are true royalty on this earth as the son’s and daughter’s of The King of Kings!!!

A lot of potential for growth with an excellent work ethic for sermons, teaching, classes, visiting, outreach, working with other congregations in the area.

Your bodies are tents of the Clean Breath, who is in you, whom ye have received from God, so ye are His.

I look forward to a rich time together tomorrow morning. I’m grateful for all that God is doing in our community and in our church.

Reaching out to the community, working with a ministry group, preaching, teaching Bible classes, visiting members of the congregation, and contacting members of the community.

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