
What happens afterdeath or afterlife?

Soul is created by God after a men and women joins in marriage. Then after about 9 months the soul gets birth into this material world.

Why we are here on earth as humans? To seek, know, have an eternal relation with God and other people. Physical death is inevitable.

What happens afterlife? All souls goes to Hades which is a waiting place for thee dead. Those who avoid to seek God will go to hell and those who choose God will be in paradise aka heaven.

This tells us that there is a place of waiting. In the Old Testament, it is called Sheol or the grave. In the New Testament, it is called Hades. The waiting place is divided into two sections one called torments (Luke 16), here in this passage, and the other is called paradise (Luke 23:43).

At the second coming of Christ when God the Father will decide to end the physical world like a judgement day, He will destroy it along with hell and everything in it. That is the second death when the godless souls will die.

Then for all those in heaven will go into eternity with God and enjoy eternal life along with all the souls that walked with God from the beginning of the world until it’s end.

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All people should die and go to hell?

All people should die and go to hell? No! All people will die and should go to heaven? Yes! Most people will go to hell anyway? Maybe! We are free to choose.

The point of the video is that most people are drawn by negative messages instead of positive subject. So that’s why the title will invite them in order to enjoy some balanced videos on the Relate4ever Publishing channel. Cool?

Negativity effect is the tendency of people, when evaluating the causes of the behaviors, to attribute their positive behaviors to the environment and their negative behaviors to the person’s nature. I will balance it with positivity?

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Cherries – eating from orchard!

Eating cherries from the orchard brings joy and health? Yes! How is your orchard? Will you keep natural trees planted and free of chemicals?

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