
Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! We are grateful to be a part of your faith journey. Today we have the great opportunity to express our gratitude to the Lord for the many ways He has blessed us and to tell the ones we love how much they mean to us. 

We are thankful for the continual encouragement of our supporters. The world is starving for sound, Bible-based teaching. It is because of you that the Lord’s work at Relate4ever is blessed with the opportunity to create resources for hungering souls. Thank you for using these resources to share the Gospel with those in your life!

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Will you use your blessings to help Christian growth worldwide? You can be a seed-planter! Help us reach more who might never hear the Gospel otherwise.

Psalm 69:30 I will praise the name of God with a song, I will magnify him with thanksgiving. This is a special theme in Luke’s gospel. Notice the emphasis on gratitude in the epistles. 

Can you think of someone who has invested in you? Someone who has been there for you in a special way? Someone who’s kindness has blessed you? If someone comes to mind, why not take a moment and thank God for them? Why not go one step further and send them a text or give them a call to let them know you appreciate them?

We pray that you have a wonderful day 🙏 What are you most grateful for this time?