
Reaching 20+ Millions

Let’s celebrate reaching 250k+ new viewers this year. 
We raise $20,000 to help 20+ million Romanians more in 2023
with the Gospel of Jesus Christ for eternal life!!! 

GIVE one time or monthly to Relate4ever Resources for Romanian Bible Broadcast Outreach. Your donation helps us share the story of God’s work. Prizes for Monthly Partners and Supporting Donors:
1) Customized Inspiration Posters 
2) Fellowship at Eforie.Church Camp 
3) Free download from Singing Scriptures Music 

Here is a brief presentation about our family life and work

Relate4ever Resources has been a source of hope and inspiration to the Christians since 2002. Each month we bring you a plan to be inspired by Scripture and stories that tell how God is working through people like you and in churches around the world. By donating, you become part of our mission to help more people live faithfully in the Word of God. Many benefit from there essential resources in English, Romanian and Spanish

Vision: Make disciples to have a Church of Christ in every community (praying for Romania) now in Eforie.Church posting the 1st Romanian Bible Broadcast along with Singing Scriptures spiritual songs

A testimony from mission outreach

We believe in giving generously time and talents, because where your treasure is, there your hearty will be also. That is why when you give, watch your heart grow, your life flourish, and know your contribution is making an impact all over the world!
❤️ GIVE to support Relate4ever ministry & missions