R4E121217 – The Rapture and the Tribulation by Douglas Jacoby
Order of events, popular Christianity:
- Second coming
- Rapture
- Tribulation (for unbelievers)
Order of events in New Testament:
- Tribulation (throughout our lives as believers)
- Second coming
- General resurrection + rapture
- Judgment Day
- Eternal destiny: heaven or hell
- Rapture < Latin rapire, translating Greek harpadzomai (snatch) in 1 Thessalonians 4:17
- Tribulation < Latin tribulatio, translating Greek thlipsis (oppression, affliction)
Scriptures cited
- 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 (see also 5:1-2)
- John 5:28-29
- Exodus 7-12
- Revelation 6-19
- Luke 9:52-56
- Jonah 3:10-4:5
- Revelation 7:14 actually says that the righteous experience the tribulation. I.e., they are delivered through it (not from it).
- Listen to the previous podcast in this series, 2010, 2012, & the End of the World.
- See the N.T. chapter notes, e.g. those on 1 Thessalonians 4, or any other chapters in the series.