R4E121224 – Christmas Thoughts by Douglas Jacoby 10:03
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I wrote the following piece in the mid-1980s. Following is another, more humorous, piece. Hope you enjoy them! — DJ
The Man Who Came in from the Cold
I remember the night. It was chilly, especially for Florida, and Dad had a fire burning in the hearth. Even as a seven year old, I realized that this spelled certain doom for the jolly man who later that night would squeeze down the chimney. I mustered the courage to ask Dad, ‘Is there really a Santa?’ I was devastated. Doubts soon began to flood my mind as to the existence of ‘the Stork,’ the Easter Bunny, even of God himself. In later years I learned that Santa Claus (alias Father Christmas, Saint Martin, der Weihnachtsmann, Père Noël) was merely a corruption of Saint Nicholas, a Roman Catholic bishop of the 4th century. His attributes (red suit, reindeer, residence at the North Pole) derive from a blend of pagan legends with traditions about the saints. Good heavens!
25 December?
When was Jesus born? Does anyone really know? Early Christians were unsure. Cyprian thought 28 March, Clement of Alexandria guessed 20 May, Hippolytus supposed 2 June. If these early Christian writers (3rd century), who lived close to the time of Christ, had to guess the date of his birth, how is it that we know better?
The Shepherds
According to Luke 2:8, the shepherds were ‘living out in the fields’ keeping watch over their flocks at night.’ But what is Israel like in late December, the time traditionally assigned to ‘Christmas’? It is cold. It is the rainy season (Ezra 10:9, 13; Song 2:11). The shepherds would not be found dwelling in the fields in the winter season, and certainly not at night. It is therefore unlikely Jesus was born after Halloween! Whence then the notion that he was born 25 December?
Roman History
In 274 AD the Emperor Aurelian, influenced by the Persian cult of Mithras, designated 25 December as the ‘birthday’ of the sun god, ‘Sol Invictus’ the invincible sun. (In Mithraic tradition, the deity was born 25 December, and celebrated for twelve days. Sound familiar?) In some circles worship of the sun became identified with worship of the Son (see Malachi 4:2). Then in 354 Liberius of Rome ordered Christmas celebrated. This was popular among the Romans, who had already been celebrating the Saturnalia (12-24 December) as well as the Brumalia (25 December) — times of merrymaking and exchanging presents. Houses were decorated with greenery and festal lights. Gifts were given to children and the poor. Yes, Christmas has pagan origins. On top of all this, it is not even the actual birthday of Christ!
Teutonic History
As with the Romans, the Teutonic peoples too had their celebrations of the winter solstice. The idea was that the sun god was dying or dead, and there werecertain things one should do to assist it on its way, thus speeding the recovery of the world from its winter torpor. As the days lengthened after around 22 December, there was great rejoicing and partying. Thousands of years of Teutonic history make their contribution to the customs of Christmas, and these customs spread with the people into Central Europe, Gaul, and Britain. At the Yuletide, special cakes were consumed, Yule logs were burnt as an incentive to the waxing sun, fir trees were adorned with lights in honor of the tree spirits, special greetings and gifts were exchanged, many went a-wassailing, and of course there was the mistletoe, under which one stood and began (only a kiss, mind you) the headlong rush into a night of pagan revelry (1 Peter 4:3)! Remember that all of this was going on long before Christ was born.
Shopping Sprees
What would Christmas be without the frenzied shopping that characterizes our society? Listen to Libanius, a 4th century Roman writer, as he describes the scene in pre-Christian Rome:
Everywhere may be seen well-laden tables. The impulse to spend seizes everyone. He who through the whole year has taken pleasure in saving–becomes suddenly extravagant–a stream of presents pours itself out on all sides.
Yes, Christmas ‘spirit,’ often sustained by big business to sell merchandise, is nothing new, but rather an ancient and time-honored tradition.
Nordic Mythology
The Norse thunder god was Thor, who flew through the skies in a chariot drawn by two magical goats. Their names: Gnasher and Cracker. Sound familiar? Perhaps this piece of mythology moved Robert May to pen Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (1939), which became a song ten years later.
The modern word Christmas comes from the Old English Cristes mæsse, or Christ’s mass. In medieval Catholicism, this was the Mass. The word mass itself appears to come from the Latin missa, from the end of the Old Latin liturgy, where the priest dismissed the congregation, “Ite, missa est.” (“Go, it is [the] dismissal.”) Anyway, these words of dismissal in time became applied to the entire church service. (One wonders, were people that eager to get out?) So really Christmas is simply the liturgical celebration of Christ (really, of his birth), in a church service.
“Santa Claus”
There was a Turkish bishop of the 4th century, Nicholas, well known for deeds of charity and kindness to the poor. (For more on this remarkable man, see Adam C. English, The Saint Who Would be Santa Claus: The True Life and Trials of Nicholas of Myra.) In accord with the Catholic custom of “promoting” various Christians to sainthood, in time he became Saint Nicholas. By way of the Dutch name of this man, Sinter Klaas, the Americans corrupted the name to Santa Claus in English.
Closing considerations
We have seen that ‘Christmas’ is essentially 100% tradition — and non-Christian at that! Yet traditions are condemned in the Bible only if they directly contradict the word of God (Mark 7:6-8). Jesus commanded us to remember his death, yet there is no harm in commemorating his entrance into the world. As one of the few who understands the true origins of this holiday, you can now enjoy the season in a more enlightened manner. So be of good cheer!
Merry Christmas!
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Note: The following humorous piece is based on the well-known poem The Night Before Christmas along with a hint of the premillennial doctrine of the rapture. Don’t critique it too seriously — yet be sure to consider its serious and important message.
Poem on the second coming of Christ and the coming of Santa
‘Twas the Night Jesus Came — and all through the house
Not a person was praying (not one in the house!):
The Bibles were left on the shelf without care,
For no one thought that Jesus would come there.
The children were dressing to crawl into bed,
Not once ever kneeling or bowing a head.
And Mom in her rocker with baby in lap
Was watching the Late Show, while I took a nap:
When out of the east there arose such a clatter,
I sprang to my feet to see what was the matter.
Away to the window — I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and lifted the sash!
When what to my wondering eyes should appear
But angels proclaiming that Jesus was here!
The light of his face made me cover my head —
It was Jesus returning, just as he had said.
And though I possessed worldly wisdom and wealth,
I cried when I saw him, in spite of myself:
In the Book of Life which he held in his hand
Was written the name of every saved man.
He spoke not a word as he searched for my name,
When he said “It’s not there,” my head hung in shame.
The people whose names had been written with love
He gathered to take to his father above.
With those who were ready he rose without a sound,
While all the rest were left standing around.
I fell to my knees — but it was too late —
I’d waited too long, and thus sealed my fate.
I stood and I cried as they rose out of sight!
Oh, if only I’d known that this was the night!
In the words of this poem the meaning is clear:
The coming of Jesus is now drawing near.
There’s only one life and when comes the last call
We’ll find that the Bible… was true after all!