
What about those who have never heard the Word?

What about those who have never heard the Word of God? 27 min study!

You can download the R4E130102 full audiobook recording on amazon or itunes.

What happens to those people that have not heard the gospel yet, if Jesus were to come today? Would they have a chance to come to repentance?

According to John 3:18, those who do not believe are in trouble. If it were possible for those ignorant of the Word to be saved, then evangelism wouldn’t be essential, would it? In fact, we might mess up someone’s chances to make it by making mistakes in how we presented the Gospel. And yet Jesus, who knew we would do a less than perfect job, commanded us to make disciples of all nations. No one will be saved by being a decent person, for all have fallen short (Romans 3:23). Thus it is imperative that we get the word out!

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Adam and Eve by Douglas Jacoby

Adam and Eve by Douglas Jacoby as Old Testament Character Podcast 26:30

You can download the R4E130102 full audiobook recording on amazon or itunes.

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Hebrew names:

  • ‘Adam (man, mankind). Genesis 2:7,20: Ha’adam, the man.
  • ‘Adamah (ground, land). Genesis 2:7.
  • Chawwah or Hawwah [very hard ‘h’] (sounds like the Hebrew for living).

Further study:

  • Biblical — Jesus Christ as the “Second Adam”
    • Romans 5
    • 1 Corinthians 15
    • Other passages referred to:
      • Romans 16:20; Galatians 3:16 (connection between Genesis 3:15 and the Messiah)
      • Isaiah 29:15-16 (hiding from God)
      • Matthew 19:10-12 and 1 Corinthians 7:1-7
    • Genesis 36:31 — Genesis (at least in its final form) was written in the 1st millennium BC.
  • Extrabiblical
    • Creation & evolution
    • John Milton, Paradise Lost
    • Henri Blocher, In the Beginning (InterVarsity Press, 1984)
    • Commentaries
      • The Word Biblical Commentary, Genesis (Wenham). Based on the original Hebrew. Excellent, though advanced. A true commentary, considering all angles and copiously supported bibliographically.
      • The Daily Study Bible Series, Genesis (Gibson). Popular level, and more thorough than Barclay’s original N.T. series, though sharing his prejudice against the supernatural and suspicion of the full inspiration of the biblical text. Shows considerable literary sensitivity (though not without bias).
      • Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, Genesis (Kidner). Easy to read, though does not include the text of Genesis, Well done, and only half the length of the DSB series. Holds to a higher view of inspiration than the DSB. Highly recommended.

Key verses:

  • 1:27 — Humans are created in the image of God.
  • 2:15 — There were responsibility (1:28) and work even in paradise.
  • 2:24 — God’s plan for marriage: “One man, one wife, for life.” How the world needs this perspective!
  • 3:1 — The Tempter tries to make us doubt God’s word.

Some things we learn about God:

  • He created us for a relationship with him.
  • He holds us accountable for sin.
  • He is gracious.

For kids (lesson from Genesis 3, also suitable for a family devotional):

  1. The devil tries to get us to doubt God’s Word.
  2. When we do wrong, our natural response is to blame shift, to avoid taking responsibility.
  3. Sin has consequences. Even though God forgives us, we still reap what we sow.
  4. God protects us and is gracious towards us. He may even protect us from ourselves.

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