
Nahum Explained Comforter

Nahum meaning Comforter
1 God appears to communicate consequences for the nations 

2 The destruction of Nineveh shows how God ends violence 
3 Rejoice for the downfall of Assyria that killed innocent blood

🟢 How do you use what you understood from this book? Many of the books of the Old Testament tell the story of how God uses the other nations to discipline His people, the Israelites, when they turned from Him and embraced evil. As Israel was taken by the Assyrians and they began to understand and turn away from their wicked ways. We see throughout history where God has orchestrated events and peoples to His purposes. He paved the way for Christianity by sending the Macedonians led by Alexander to introduce a common language which allowed people to communicate the Gospel with people of other nationalities without difficulty; and He sent the Romans to conquer the western world and introduce roads and highways throughout their conquered lands to allow for easy travel so that Christians were able to spread the gospel more effectively. We, too often, see that as coincidence, when it is really the Hand of God working in His time to accomplish His plan.

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Naum semnifică Mângâietorul
1 Dumnezeu comunică consecințele faptelor națiunilor
2 Distrugerea orașului Ninive arată cum El termină violența
3 Bucuria pentru căderea Asiriei care a ucis sânge nevinovat

Ce vei face cu ce te-a ajutat cel mai mult din acest mesaj de la Dumnezeu prin prorocul Naum?

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Nahum significa Consolador
1 Dios comunica consecuencias para las naciones
2 Destrucción de Nínive amuestra cómo Dios acaba violencia
3 Alegria por la caída de Asiria que mató sangre inocente

🟢¿Cómo usas lo que entendiste del libro?

A Iehovah castiga la violencia pero libera a los fieles 
B Advierte a la ciudad 
C Los pecados juzgan violentos
y salva a los santos

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