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Micayah meaning Who Is Like Yehovah
How do you use what you understood from this book?
MichaElohim Who is like God
3:8 I am filled with power by the Spirit of Yehovah (I Am Who Was Is Will Be Eternal), with justice and courage, to proclaim to Iacov his rebellion and to Israel his sin.
4:1-2 In the last days the mountain of Iehovah’s house will be established at the top of the mountains and will be raised above the hills. Peoples will stream to it, and many nations will come and say, Come, let us go up to the mountain of Iehovah, to the house of the God of Iacov. He will teach us about His ways so we may walk in His paths. For instruction will go out of Zion and the word of Iehovah from Ierusalem (City of Peace).
5:2-4 Bethlehem Ephrathah (House of God Open), you are small among the clans of Judah; One will come from you to be ruler over Israel for Me. His origin is from antiquity, from eternity. He will stand and shepherd them in the strength of Iehovah, in the majestic name of Iehovah His God. They will live securely, for then His greatness will extend to the ends of the earth.
He has told you what is good and what Iehovah requires of you:
to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.
El te ha declarado qué sea lo bueno, y qué pida de ti Iehovah:
hacer juicio, y amar misericordia, y andar humilde con tu Dios.
Ţi s-a arătat, ce este bine şi ce cere Iehovah de la tine:
să faci dreptate, să iubeşti mila şi să umbli smerit cu Dumnezeul tău.
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¿Cómo usas lo que entendiste del libro?
Scrie: Ce vei face cu ce te-a ajutat cel mai mult din acest mesaj de la Dumnezeu prin prorocul Mica?