
Iglesia Loja Church Ecuador

Bienvenidos al servicio de alabanza y adoracion enlinea estudios biblicos para la iglesia de Cristo en LOJA ECuador 

Descubre los estudios biblicos en linea con Cristian Paduraru:
1 La Palabra de Dios en Las Escrituras
Dios el Creador
Jesus como Señor y Ungido
Arrepentimiento del pecado y de la tentación
5 Inmersión en la Salvación para la Esperanza de Vida Eterna
6 Quien es el Espíritu Santo y como nos ayuda
7 La Congregación de los santos o la Iglesia del Ungido
8 Los Mandamientos de Jesus y unos a otros
9 Los Discípulos y el discipulado o coaching
10 Los Niños como fruto y la humildad
11 La Familia y El  Matrimonio
12 Los Ancianos como Líderes en el Reino del Cielo

Deja un comentario AQUI para aprovechar de los Estudio Biblico Enlinea: Español Rumano Ingles

Siga Cantando Escrituras YouTube FaceBook TeleGram


You can donate is you want to support us as we help the needy

Thank you for your mission support in sharing the gospel of Jesus with the people in Loja Ecuador! Every download counts! Would you like to visit? Subscribe for more here

Vision and mission of the church of Christ fellowship is that Vilcabamba Loja Ecuador will have the presence of Jesus, the Anointed One, the Christ, the Messiah, until the end of the world, the congregation of those who have been called out from this perverse generation to eternal life, will praise God, prepare the members to serve, teach all to fulfill Jesus commandments for salvation and holiness through a Bible study series and a personal life example, with a focus on children from schools, visitors who travel, key people from local business like radio, internet, buses, taxis, stores, etc. People that are truly searching for their Creator and to fulfill their purpose in life, being the best they can be, will become members and fellowship in the church of Loja.

Sigue para tener buenas nuevas en Español (bilingual Eng Esp).