Join Online Church Service Sunday 10AM
AL Alabama
NB-AlbertV Alexcity Homewood Palisades ChenalV Crestview Beltline Decatur WGC-Dothan ColAve Eastwood Florence JacksonHeights Sherrod MtZion DecaHigh Maysville Hartselle Hoover BlueSpring Mayfair Weatherly WestHuntsville HeritagePlace Jacksonburg GracePoint Killen PleasantV Madison Meridianville Landmark UCoC Midway HighlandPark OwensCrossRoads Deerfoot Prattville Quintown Robertsdale Cox Tuscaloosa UniT Azalea
AZ Arizona
Phoenix Canyon Tucson
AR Arkansas
Ashdown Velvet Ridge North Heights Northside Bentonville Cabot Westside Maul Road Robinson & Center University Mount George Farmington Mount ComfortWest Ark Guy Jacksonville Southwest Central Mammoth Spring MineralSprings Levy Southside West Side Searcy-College WestSide Sheridan
CA California
PalmD CarsonMetro ChulaVista Cordova Corona DosPalos FresnoCollege LaPuente HamLane Culver Crenshaw Figueroa Sepulveda SouthLA MissionViejo DavisPark Parkway CanyonView Merced Simi Conejo Ventura Victor
CO Colorado
PleasantV CastleRock BearValley Meadowlark HighlandsRanch Limon Littleton Loveland
CT Connecticut
Manchester NewHaven
FL Florida
Destin Eustis-OrangeAve HighSprings JaxN Jay Keystone LakeButler Lakeland NorthTampa BayArea PBL Mel Sunset MiamiGardens Maricamp Lakeside Gateway WestBroward PortCharlotte Fiske SHillsborough Sebring Parkway.
GA Georgia
CampCreek NAtlanta Renaissance Augusta Bremen Chattahoochee RoseHill GraceChapel Dalton Avondale Douglasville Ellijay AtlRd WestMetro LakePark ThomastonRd BHickory Piedmont Quitman Rockmart OakHill MountainView Savannah Rocksprings Trenton ForrestPark NCherokee
ID Idaho
IL Illinois
Greenmount Northwest-Chicago Collinsville Freeport Naperville Sterling16thAve
IN Indiana
NorthCentral Keystone Yorktown Vincennes
KS Kansas
BonnerSprings Eastwood Overland Park StJohn Wichita47thSt EastPoint ChisholmTrail Northside
KY Kentucky
LostRiver Fairview HollyHill Parkway S GreenSt MtZion NLexington Westport Madisonville Cuba-Mayfield RollingHills Broadway Lone Oak Richmond Versailles
LA Louisiana
Goodwood South Baton Rouge Hickory-Knoll Blvd Boulevard Tammany Oaks Forsythe-Monroe WFR
ME Maine
MD Maryland
InnerCity District-Heights Catoctin PrinceGeorge
MA Massachusetts
Natick CapeCod
MI Michigan
Brighton Redford Flint Livonia Oscoda Owosso Plymouth Rochester Utica Sunset-Taylor VanDyke-Warren Waterford
MS Mississippi
Booneville Brookway Burnsville BluffRd Foote St Strickland Meadowbrook SiwellRd East Laurel Nettleton Olive Branch Sentobia
MO Missouri
Bolivar Fordland East Independence Southpoint MarylandHeights McKnight-StLouis Innerbelt Crossings
MO Montana
Great Falls Missoula
NE Nebraska
Blair Nebraska Harvest Field Southwest Scottsbluff
NV Nevada
NH New Hampshire
NM New Mexico
Hermosa Jal Las Cruces RioRancho RoswellCountryClub
NY New York
Amherst Long Island Patchougue Harlem Manhattan Upper WestManhattan
NC North Carolina
Providence MtIsland Cole Mill Road Northwest DeepRiver Roosevelt Drive BrooksAve Raleigh
OH Ohio
StopNine Alkire Marysville MtVernon New ConcordSunshine Streetsboro Woodsfield Xenia
OK Oklahoma
Ada TamarackRd AdamsB BrokenArrow Riverside-Burlington SouthernOaks Choctaw Clinton DelCity Edmond Heritage FortCobb Glenpool Henryetta Hobart WesternHills Madill Alameda MemorialRd NMac Northwest WsN SouthWalker SouthwestOKC Poteau Stillwater Stroud SouthCollege Highland TheParkTulsa Valliant Wewoka
OR Oregon
Circle Metro-Gresham NorthBend Eastside-Portland Southwest
PA Pennsylvania
GracePointe Conestoga Somerset Newberry
RI Rhode Island
SC SouthCarolina
Palmetto GeorgeTown GrandStand MyrtleBeach Spartanburg SummerVille
SD South Dakota
SiouxFalls NorthernHills
TN Tennessee
Adamsville Antioch RuralHill Athens Bartlett GreatOaks OliverCreek RockBridge OtterCreek Carthage EastRidge RedBank Hilldale ClevelandFam EastShelby Highland Linary Dyersburg HowellHill BerryChapel FourthAve Heritage Estes Henderson Lomax CampbellSt Karns LaVergne MapleHill BSCoC Rivergate Maryville Westwood SycamoreView WhiteStation Morristown 109 MtJuliet Kingwood NBoro GreenHills CrieveHall BrentwoodHills LebanonRd WoodmontHills WoodsonChapel MtJuliet Pegram Portland EastHill SignalMt Hillcrest SpringfieldMainSt Sycamore Waynesboro
TX Texas
BakerHeights Highland Westgate Oldham SoHills AbileneUni Aledo Amarillo Southwest ArlingtonNYAve BrentwoodOaks AustinUni NicholsSt Dowlen Meadows Belton Burleson Canadian CanyonUni WebCC Prestoncrest Decatur Montwood Fairfield WebbChapel NWFW SSFW Franklin Hills ShawneeTrail SaturnRd Creeksid Champions JV WH Westbury IrvingW Kaufman ChandlerSt Leander Leonard Liberty Lewisville GreenLawn Sunset HPC FPC GCR NMission NTX Sherwood WRC MDR Pleasanton Quitman Care Waterview Eastridge WS-RR SG MW Woodlands Snyder FirstColony Sunray TempleWH ShilohRd WErwin WFE Oakdale Wylie
UT Utah
VA Virginia
Fairfax Glen Allen Manassas Bayside Waynesboro
WA Washington
Longview Northside-Spokane
WV West Virginia
Martinsburg WashingtonSt GrandCentralVienna WeirtonHeights
WI Wisconsin
Oshkosh-Oakhaven Waupaca-Maple Street Onalaska Southside
WY Wyoming
Cheyenne Gillette Riverton
CA Canada
Eforie EUrope
Bucharest ROmania
Berlin GErmany
Paris FRance
Rome ITaly
Madrid SPain
Singing Scriptures Spiritual Songs and Acappella Hymns
Sermon topic: How to share your testimony like Paul the Apostle!
Scriptures: Acts: 9,22,26 – Be prepared to fellowship, share, pray
Write Prayer Requests to the Disciples of Christ Jesus
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God bless you – Give to support this ministry – Thank you for partnering as we reach new people every week with the Scriptures. Invite youth to follow Relate4ever on FB or YT
What to pray for you this time? Write a comment to share and pray together in English Romanian Spanish