This iFaith video sermon series consists of 120 lessons from every book of the Bible, recorded for a period of several years.
iFaith 000 Introduction to the faith series
iFaith 001 Mark A: Jesus is the Son of God, not Caesar
iFaith 002 Mark B: God Has Two Sons
iFaith 003 James A: Right Life
iFaith 004 James B: Right Choices
iFaith 005 1 Peter A: Suffering, Sacrifice, Strain
iFaith 006 1 Peter B: Eyes of Faith
iFaith 007 2 Peter A: Growing in Knowledge
iFaith 008 2 Peter B: Forward or Backward?
iFaith 009 Jude: Blown, Uprooted, Wandering
iFaith 010 Job A: Faith in Crisis 1
iFaith 011 Job B: Faith in Crisis 2
iFaith 012 Proverbs A: The Women of Proverbs
iFaith 013 Proverbs B: Accepting the Challenge
iFaith 014 Ecclesiastes A: Everything is Meaningless
iFaith 015 Ecclesiastes B: The Clock is Ticking
iFaith 016: Song of Songs Sex Wait For It
iFaith Introduction to Unit III Matt, Heb, Gal Rom
iFaith 017 Matthew A: Jesus is the 2nd Moses
iFaith 018 Matthew B: Righteousness, not Religion!
iFaith 019 Hebrews A: Christ is Supreme
iFaith 020 Hebrews B: The Truth about Falling Away
iFaith 021 Galatians A: Another Gospel
iFaith 022 Galatians B: Gospel Plus
iFaith 023 Romans A: The Inoculation
iFaith 024 Romans B: The Destination
iFaith 025 Psalms A: Why Have You Forsaken Me?
iFaith 026 Psalms B: Anchoring Our Emotions in the Word
iFaith 027 Luke A: Are You Possessed
iFaith 028 Luke B: The Two Thieves on the Cross
iFaith 029 Acts A: Barnabas Ananias and Apostles Feet
iFaith 030 Acts B: Mist & Darkness
iFaith 031 Genesis A: Heroes & Zeros Nimrod, Nephilim and Noah
iFaith 032 Genesis B: Sex, Marriage & Intermarriage
iFaith 033 1 Thessalonians A: Death is Not the End from
iFaith 034 1 Thessalonians B: Don’t Predict – Prepare! from 1 Thess 4
iFaith 035 2 Thessalonians A: Eternal Destiny from 2 Thess 1
iFaith 036, 2 Thessalonians B: Don’t Work – Don’t Eat!
iFaith 037 1 Corinthians A: Ego, Elitism, & the Corinthians
iFaith 038 1 Corinthians B: The Key to Unity
iFaith 039 2 Corinthians A: Depend on Him, Not Me
iFaith 040 2 Corinthians B: Over the Wall Weakness & Power
iFaith 041 Philippians: A Chains & Dogs
iFaith 042 Philippians B: Less of Self, and More of Thee
iFaith 043 Colossians A: Christ on a Computer Card
iFaith 044 Colossians B: Gracious Speech & an Electric Ruler
iFaith 045 Philemon: It’s all about heart
iFaith 046 Ephesians A: Predestination
iFaith 047 Ephesians B: Wake Up, O Sleeper
iFaith 048 1 Tim A: How to Avoid a Shipwreck
iFaith 049 1 Tim B: The Gospel in a Poem
iFaith 050 Titus A: A High Calling
iFaith 051 Titus B: Lifestyle Matters or Sound Doctrine It Isn’t What We Think
iFaith 052 2 Timothy A: Shame Shame Shame
iFaith 053 2 Timothy B: Last Will and Testament
iFaith 054 Exodus A: Produce – Or else!
iFaith 055 Exodus B: God’s Four Gifts
iFaith 056 John A: Long distance Faith
iFaith 057 John B: Who’s Blind
iFaith 058 1 John A: Walk the Walk
iFaith 059 1 John B: The Burden that isn’t a Burden
iFaith 060 2 John: Watch out for the Antichrist
iFaith 061 3 John: The First Will be Last, or Christians in Conflict
iFaith 062 Revelation A: Laodicea and the Lukewarm
iFaith 063 Revelation B: The Lion, the Lamb, & the Lord’s People
iFaith 064 Leviticus A: Unauthorized Fire
iFaith 065 Leviticus B: Grapes, Gossip, Grudges” (or “Neighbors to All”)
iFaith 066 Num A: Jesus & the Snake
iFaith 067 Num B: Phinehas & the Spear
iFaith 068 Deut A: Honest, Holy, Humble
iFaith 069 Deut B: Jesus in Deuteronomy
iFaith 070 Joshua A: The Commander
iFaith 071 Joshua B: The Female Joshua
iFaith 072 Judges A Deborah: The Bee & the Thunderstorm
iFaith 073 Judges B: My Kingdom, or His?
iFaith 074 Ruth: Walking in Faith or Playing it Safe?
iFaith 075 1 Sam A: Those Who Honor Me…
iFaith 076 1 Sam B: You Are Saul! The Witch on Endor, or Saul’s Last Night on Earth
iFaith 077 2 Sam A: How the Mighty Have Fallen!
iFaith 078 2 Sam B: Faith by Numbers
iFaith 079 1 Kings A: The Wise Fool or The Sophomore
iFaith 080 1 Kings B: The Gentle Whisper
iFaith 081 2 Kings A: A Tale of Two Lepers
iFaith 082 2 Kings B: Cannibalism, Desperate Lepers, and a Faithless Captain
iFaith 083 1 Chronicles A: David’s Two Houses, Pt.1 (Dealing with Disappointment)
iFaith 084 1 Chronicles B: David’s Two Houses, Pt.2
iFaith 085 2 Chronicles A: The Three Jezebels: Pure Spiritual Poison
iFaith 086 2 Chronicles B: Too Little, Too Late
iFaith 087 Isaiah A: Come Now, Let Us Reason Together
iFaith 088 Isaiah B: Here Am I – Send Aaron!
iFaith 089 Isaiah C: Rod, Club, Axe, Saw and Knife
iFaith 090 Isaiah D: Filthy Rags Isa 64, a widely misunderstood Bible passage
iFaith 091 Hosea A: The Gospel of Hosea, Pt 1
iFaith 092 Hosea B: The Gospel of Hosea, Pt 2
iFaith 093 Amos A: The Lion Has Roared
iFaith 094 Amos B: Prepare to Meet Your God
iFaith 095 Micah A: God’s Favorite Scripture
iFaith 096 Micah B: Micah & the Messiah
iFaith 097 Jeremiah A: Jeremiah Calls Out the Liars
iFaith 098 Jeremiah B: Jeremiah, Jesus & the Den of Thieves
iFaith 099 Jeremiah C: Outward Courage, Inner Turmoil
iFaith 100 Jeremiah D: Beatings, Stocks, Prison, Execution and Worse!
iFaith 101 Lamentations: The Lord is My Portion or A Crisis of Faith
iFaith 102 Jonah: The Reluctant Prophet
iFaith 103 Nahum: The God of Wrath
iFaith 104 Habakkuk: Be Utterly Amazed!

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