
Fathers Day Prayer

Dear heavenly Father, thank you for your example as a provider and protector in our lives! Please bless every father with more wisdom, more strength, more love and everything you know we need to continue bear good fruit with our family and our work! Help us love the wife and see her reverence. Help us guide the children and see their obedience. Help us team up in Christ and see your empire advance. Help us overcome the world like your Son Jesus. Amen. 

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Always trust them to God’s care.
Bring them to church fellowship.
Challenge them to high goals.
Delight in their achievements.
Exalt the Lord in their presence.
Frown on all evil.
Give them constant love.
Hear their problems.
Ignore NOT their childish fears.
Joyfully accept their apologies.
Keep their confidence.
Live a good example before them.
Make them disciples as eternal friends.
Never ignore their endless questions.
Open your home to their visits.
Pray for them by name.
Quicken your interest in their spirit.
Remember their needs.
Show them the way of salvation.
Teach them to work.
Understand they are still young.
Verify your statements.
Wean them from bad company.
Expect them to obey.
Yearn for God’s best for them.
Zealously guide them in Biblical truth.