Good morning dear friends in Christ
Today we are fasting for peace
Please read Isaiah 58 and Matthew 6
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2nd Chronicles Bible Reading Plan
2nd Chronicles
1-5 Su
6-10 Mo
11-15 Tu
16-20 We
21-25 Th
26-30 Fr
31-36 Sa
1:11 God said to Solomon, Because this was in your heart, and you have not requested riches, wealth, or glory, or for the life of those who hate you, and you have not even requested long life, but you have requested for yourself wisdom and knowledge that you may judge My people over whom I have made you king, wisdom and knowledge are given to you. I will also give you riches, wealth, and glory, such that it was not like this for the kings who were before you, nor will it be like this for those after you.
2 Cro 7:14 and My people who are called by My name humble themselves, pray and seek My face, and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.
2 Chronicles continues the story from 1 Chronicles. Davids son, Solomon, becomes emperor and builds an impressive temple in Ierusalem. The kingdom enjoyed peace for 40 years. Then by the premature coming of Rehoboam, the kingdom was broken up. As you go through the book, you will retrace the history of the southern kingdom, Judah, and you will see the tragic fruits of idolatry.
In the first 9 chapters we have the reign of Solomon who brought prosperity to the nation, the most important thing being the building of the temple for God. This building was their religious center, representing the unity of the tribes and the presence of God in their midst. Anyway, Gods desire was and is for people to glorify Him only (regardless of the location), thats why he allowed the destruction of this temple (to which the people had become dependent).
In the first chapter, Solomon asks for wisdom to lead the people, and God gives it to him, being pleasantly impressed by his heart and concentration. We see how only God can give peace and prosperity when the leaders are pleasing to Him. It is inspiring to see how the leader prays and blesses his people.
Then from the second to the fifth chapter we have the building of the temple. In chapters 5, 6 and 7 the temple is consecrated, Solomon saying the blessing and the prayer. Chapter 8 shows the other deeds of Solomon: how he built other cities and arranged the jobs. In chapter 9 the queen of Sheba discovers his wisdom, and the end of the chapter shows the death of Solomon.
From chapter 10 to 36 we have the division and the history of the southern kingdom: Judah and we go through the reign of 20 kings. From 10 to 12 Rehoboam, in 13 Abijah, from 14 to 16 Asa, from 17 to 21 Jehoshaphat, from 21 to 22 Joram and Ahaziah, from 23 to 24 Joash, in 25 Amatiah, in 26 Uzziah, in 27 Jotham, in 28 Ahaz, from 29 to 32 Hezekiah, in 33 Manasseh and Ammon, from 34 to 36 Josiah; and the last chapter ends with the descendants of Josiah and the order of Cyrus for the restoration of the people from exile for the building of the house of God.
In these reigns, the nation of Judah goes from obedience to God to denial and lack of trust. This attitude of the emperors influences the people. Failure to repent led to the destruction of the nation and the enslavement of the people in Babylon. All these personal and public decisions are important because they remain in history.
Ezra meaning Help wrote Old Covenant history like the brighter Luke who wrote New Covenant events. Divrei Hayamim or Chronicles records the events of the people of God with genealogies from creation to captivity.
1 Chronicles 1-9 From man Adam to rest Noah to beloved David
1 Chronicles 10-29 David unites Israel
2 Chronicles 1-9 Solomon builds the temple
2 Chronicles 10-36 From Ierusalem to Babylon
Ezra – NehemiYah Rebuilding the Temple and the Walls
How do you see the lessons from this book in your life?
1. Remaining in the Word of God
2. Trusting the Creator over any creation
3. Assembly for Training the PeopleSu 1-4
Mo 5-8
Tu 9-12
We 13-16
Th 17-20
Fr 21-24
Sa 25-29
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