
Leviticus Explained

Peace friends, this week we read 4 cap/day from Leviticus.
Good news: Gyongy was baptized! Follow updates rumble-relate4ever

The book of Leviticus or Vayikra in Hebrew meaning Called is teaching how anointed priests from the tribe of Levi to fulfill commandments to live holy in the presence of God as His people.

What helped you the most from the this message?

We are Singing Scriptures – key verses 11:44-47, 19:18 

I am Iehovah who brought you out,
from the land of bondage to be your God.
So be sanctified because I Am Sacred,
to discern what is clean from what is unclean.

We offer Proper Sacrifices Cleansing Treatments Instruction for Sanctification

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Exodus Explained

God rescuing the children of Israel from Pharaoh and Egypt, then guiding them in the desert and giving them laws how to live holy. Shemot (HE) Exodus (GR) Exit (EN) Salida (SP) Iesirea (RO)

The second book of the Torah begins with the hope of a new generation thriving in Egypt. Unfortunately power, jealousy and other sins existed in that city and tempted the hearts of these kings. Yet Yehovah God shows us that He always hears the cries of the oppressed and is there for the afflicted. The people are led into the wilderness to meet their relationship with Him while struggle sometime with former slavery. This history teaches us that strong leadership and a loving and merciful God offer healing, redemption and hope for the future.


Genesis Overview Explained

Peace friends, this week we read 7 chapters per day from Genesis. Welcome to Beresheet in Hebrew, Genesis in Greek, Beginning in English, Principio in Spanish, the history of creation, multiplication of the nations, the flood, the covenant with Hebrew nation, prophecies and pre-figurations about the Anointed Savior. Genesis is an overview book of history outline teaching the beginnings of the relationship between God and man.


Genesis Explicado Espanol

Buenas amigos, esta semana leemos 7 capitulos todos los dias del libro Genesis. Escucha tambien el libro audio para descubrir mas sobre el principio, creación, animales, origen, generacion. Bereshit en Hebreo, Genesis en Griego, Principio en Espanol, Inceputul en Rumano, nos amuestra el comienzo de la historia como la creación del mundo y la multiplicación de las naciones, el diluvio, el pacto con la nación hebrea, profecías y prefiguraciones sobre el Mesías Salvador.¿Qué entendiste y como puedes ver estas cosas en tu vida?