
Churches in Australia

Teaching the disciples of Christ in Australia

Write a comment to join us online for the group study:
1. Word from the Scriptures
2. God the Father
3. Jesus the Lord
4. Temptations Sins and Repentance
5. Baptism and Salvation
6. Holy Spirit
7. Congregation in the Kingdom of Heaven
8. One Another Commandments
9. How Disciples Are Making Disciples
10. Children and Youth
11. Family Unity
12. Leaders

Australia 26M Sydney 4M Melbourne 4M Brisbane 2M Perth 2M Adelaide 1M Hobart p250k 🌏 EN RO SP Facebook Youtube 

Relate4ever has been a source of hope and inspiration to the Christians since 2002. Each month we bring you a clear plan to be inspired by Scripture and tell how God is working through people like you and in churches around the world. By participating and donating, you become part of our mission to help more people live faithfully in the Word of God. 
Please read the Scriptures then reply:
What you understood? How can you practice it?


Testimony of Nicolae from Timisoara Church

Please comment: What you got from the testimony of Nicolae from Timisoara Church of Christ?


rephua pedia dict

Follow REFUA or REPHUA meaning healing as pedia dict


Biserica Brasov Church

Bine ai revenit la studiu Biblic pentru Biserica din BrasoV

Scrie un coment: Ce te-a ajutat cel mai mult din acest mesaj

Location – Central Romania 45°40′N 25°37′E
Size – 30 square miles – 75 km
Elevation – 2,133 feet – 650 meters
Population – 250,000+

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