
Daniel Explained God is My Judge

Peace friends! This week we read the book of Daniel, 2 chapters a day, then we join to share and pray together. Name of the prophet Daniel means Judgement of God. Reading or listening this book we learn about how God delivers His faithful people.

🟢 How do you use what you understood from the book of Daniel?

Daniel Outline Overview by Cristian Păduraru on Relate4ever 
1 Daniel in Babylonian captivity.
2 The dream of Nebuchadnezzar and the interpretation about the kingdoms (the Babylonian Empire, the Medo-Persian Empire, the Greek Empire, the Roman Empire, the Kingdom of Heaven).
3 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego facing idolatry and the fiery furnace.
4 Nebuchadnezzar’s madness and humiliation
5 Belshazzar’s feast and the writing on the wall
6 Daniel in the lions’ den
7 Vision of the beasts from the sea
8 Vision of the ram and the goat
9 Interpretation of Jeremiah’s prophecy of the seventy weeks
10 The angel’s revelation
11 North and South, Persia and Greek
12 End times saints shining like stars  

* Chapters 1,8-12 in Hebrew and 2-7 in Aramaic 

🙏 Pray to have strong convictions and recognize God Almighty!

Join the weekly Bible talk 🟢 SpanishRomanian English 

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Pace prieteni! Săptămâna aceasta citim cartea lui Daniel, 2 capitole pe zi, apoi ne adunăm online pentru a împărtăși și ne rugăm împreună. Numele profetului Daniel înseamnă Judecata lui Dumnezeu.

Verset important: În vremea acestor împăraţi, Dumnezeul cerurilor va ridica o împărăţie care nu va fi nimicită niciodată şi care nu va trece sub stăpânirea unui alt popor. Ea va sfărâma şi va nimici toate acele împărăţii şi ea însăşi va dăinui veşnic. (2:44)

Ce vei face cu ceea ce ai înțeles din mesajul dat de Dumnezeu prin prorocul Daniel?
🙏 Rugați-vă să aveți convingeri puternice și să recunoașteți cum Dumnezeu Atotputernicul eliberează poporul Său credincios!

Scrie un comentariu pentru a participa la adunarea online:
🟢 Spaniolă – Română – Engleză 

¡Paz amigos! Esta semana leemos el libro de Daniel, 2 capítulos al día, luego nos unimos en línea para compartir y orar juntos. Nombre del profeta Daniel significa Juicio de Dios.

🟢 ¿Cómo usa lo que entendió del libro de Daniel?

Esquema de Daniel por Cristian Păduraru
1 Daniel en cautiverio babilónico.
2 El sueño de Nabucodonosor y la interpretación sobre los reinos (el Imperio Babilónico, el Imperio Medo-Persa, el Imperio Griego, el Imperio Romano, el Reino de los Cielos).
3 Sadrac, Mesac y Abed-nego se enfrentan a la idolatría y al horno de fuego.
4 La locura y la humillación de Nabucodonosor
5 La fiesta de Belsasar y la escritura en la pared
6 Daniel en el foso de los leones
7 Visión de las bestias del mar
8 Visión del carnero y la cabra
9 Interpretación de la profecía de Jeremías de las setenta semanas
10 La revelación del ángel: reyes del norte y del sur, mención de la era persa y la era griega
* Capítulos 1,8-12 en hebreo y 2-7 en arameo


🙏 ¡Ore para tener convicciones sólidas y reconocer a Dios Todopoderoso! 🙂 Escriba un comentario como peticion de oración o para unirse a la charla bíblica enlinea en Rumano o Español o Ingles aqui:


Ezekiel Explained Strenght of God for His Sealed People

Ezekiel’s ministry was to remind the exiles that their sins had brought God’s judgment and to assure them of God’s future blessing and His faithfulness to keep His covenant.

Outline by Cristian Păduraru
1-24 Prophecy against Israel
25-32 Against other nations
33-48 Hope for the future

Ezekiel prophesied to the exiles in Babylon at the same time that of Jeremiah was prophesying to the Jews who remained in Jerusalem. This was during the early years of the prophetic ministry of Daniel. He was from a priestly family (Eze 1:3), Ezekiel’s name means: God strengthens.  He spent his early years in Jerusalem until he was deported with others to Babylon in about 597 BC In Babylon, Ezekiel settled in his own house, in a village near Nippur on the river Chebar (Eze 3:15, 24). Ezekiel prophesied for at least 22 years (Eze 1:2, Eze 29:17-21). His wife died in 587 (Eze 24:16-18).

🟢 How do you use what you understood from this book of Ezekiel?

🙏 Please pray to continue in holiness while preach repentance! Repentance is replacing bad failures with good success. What is your need for change this time? Let us pray for you…

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That God is patient with us, but once we turn to following false gods or sinning on a continual basis, He will eventually loose patience and will discipline His children. That is what happened to the Jewish people, when they were taken into captivity by the Babylonian Empire. They were eventually, when they had learned their lesson, allowed to return to the land of Judah and reestablish the Temple and Jerusalem. Ezekiel was a prophet who was to sound the warning that the children of Judah were to repent lest they be allowed to fall into captivity. When his prophecy occurred, that they should repent and God would free them from captivity and allow them to return. A story of God’s love for His children and also of God’s justice and mercy for those who repent.

Join the online Bible study group: Spanish Romanian English

Ezechiel a fost un profet evreu, care a slujit între 595 și 570 î.Hr., în timpul captivității din Babilon. Numele Ezechiel înseamnă: Dumnezeu este puterea mea. Mesajul său de venerație pentru sfințenia lui Dumnezeu, responsabilitatea morală a fiecărui individ și reconstruirea viitoare a templului din Ierusalim.

Schiţa Ezechiel de Cristian Păduraru
1-24 Prorocia împotriva Israelului
25-32 Mesajul împotriva altor națiuni
33-48 Speranță pentru viitor

Ce vei face cu ceea ce ai înțeles din mesajul dat de Dumnezeu prin prorocul Ezechiel?

Scrie un comentariu pentru a participa la adunarea online:
🟢 Spaniolă – Română – Engleză 

Ezequiel fue un profeta hebreo, que ejerció su ministerio entre 595 y 570 A.C., durante el cautiverio judío en Babilonia.​ El nombre Ezequiel significa: Dios es mi fortaleza. Su mensaje de reverencia para con la santidad de Dios, la responsabilidad moral de cada individuo y sobre la futura reconstrucción del templo en Jerusalén

1-24 Profecía contra Israel
25-32 Contra otras naciones
33-48 Esperanza para el futuro

Esta semana leemos el libro de Ezequiel, 7 capítulos al día, luego nos reunimos en línea para compartir y orar juntos. ¿Qué estás haciendo con lo que entendiste del mensaje de Dios a través del profeta Ezequiel? Ayunando para Arrepentimiento y Avivamiento, reemplazando los fracasos y los miedos con el éxito y buen fruto. Del 1 (enfermo o débil) al 10 (completamente maduro) ¿dónde estás con la fe, la salud, las relaciones? ¿Qué cambio necesitas esta vez?

Deja un comentario para participar en las reuniónes enlinea o en los estudios biblicos y compartir y orar en: Español o Rumano o Inglés


Jeremiah Overview

Jeremiah meaning Sanctified by Yehovah 

1:5 Before I formed you in the belly I knew you, and before you came forth out of the womb I sanctified you, I have appointed you a prophet to the nations.
6:14 They have treated My people’s brokenness superficially, claiming, Peace, peace, when there is no peace.
12:16 If they will diligently learn the ways of My people, to swear by My name, As Iehovah lives, just as they taught My people to swear by idols (Glo-baal, Astar poles=Antennas, I-phones Idols) they will be built up among My people.
24:7 I will give them a heart to know Me, that I am Iehovah. They will be My people, and I will be their God because they will return to Me with all their heart.
29:13 I have thoughts for peace, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. You will call to Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.
45:1 This is the word that Ieremiah the prophet spoke to Baruch son of Neriah when he wrote these words on a scroll at Ieremiah’s dictation in the fourth year of Iehoiakim son of Iosiah, king of Iudah.
51:50 You who have escaped the sword, go and do not stand still. Remember Iehovah from far away, and let Ierusalem come to your mind.

How do you use what you understood from this book of Jeremiah?

Ieremia – Pus Deoparte de Yehovah

Ce vei face cu ceea ce ai priceput din aceaste mesaje?

Schiţa mesajelor:
1 Dumnezeu îl cheamă pe Ieremia ca proroc al Său
2-35 Pedeapsă pentru poporul lui Dumnezeu
36-38 Persecuția lui Ieremia
39-45 Căderea Ierusalimului
46-51 Distrugerea altor neamuri
52 Invazia Ierusalimului

Jeremías que significa Exaltado de Yehovah

¿Qué estás haciendo con lo que entendiste del mensaje de Dios a través del profeta Jeremías?

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Winter VBS for Peace in EURO

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