
Awakening – on the 4 human dimensions!

How are you when you are wakening up in the morning? You can think on the spot and start doing something or you need some time?

For me the first thought that comes into my mind is: Dear heavenly Father, how are you? What are you up to today? So what is your usually first?

Can you download this movie? Yes, from archive. Where you will invite your friends to subscribe by email? To the main feed.


2 kind of reactions? Sad and joy!

Which are best kind of reactions? Being sad for mistakes and show joy for accomplishments! How others will feel as you will pour sadness down on them or smile up their good deeds?

Can you download this movie? Yes, from archive. Where you will invite your friends to subscribe by email? To the main feed.


Priorities in relationships

Which priorities in relations you have? Is God first, then spouse, then the children, then service and your friends, while lastly your neighbours or the rest of the world?

When you are doing well in the relation with God, all others fall in place. When you have problems with friends, check your family status!



Church – location or relation?

Is the church a place where you visit as a building in a location or is a relation between people gathered together for God?

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