
Traitors exposed?

How treason comes out in the light? When hardships or trials come along the way sellouts will rant about them instead of persevering in the fight.

Anyone who criticize something actually reveal their weakness? When your problems have a problem? When positive solutions come to change it by challenges.

Example: Someone tells you are trying to steal the election! It communicates you their intention and focus. What can you do? Encourage generosity and cooperation.

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Unbiased news on tv and mainstream media is possible?

How can we have unbiased news reporting in media? Instead of deductive perception of situations to have an inductive approach.

Reporting only the other side of the story is a bias too, right? How to keep the balance in reporting unbiased news?

Putting the right questions will encourage public in a real discovery of the subject? Yes!

Will you put questions that encourage discovery? Then we will have a more real interpretation on events. This way people will be able to do more with it?

Can you download this movie? Yes, from archive. Where you will invite your friends to subscribe by email? To the main feed.


Steps to be free of anything!

What steps you need to take in order to be free from something?

Hear about it to became aware and believe the information to start the transformation. Change your actions as your changed your ideas about it.

Make a covenant as a new beginning occurs because of your change. Then persevere while sharing with others about this process to help them be free too.

Can you download this movie? Yes, from archive. Where you will invite your friends to subscribe by email? To the main feed.


Eating apples everyday!

Can you download this movie? Yes, from archive. Where you will invite your friends to subscribe by email? To the main feed.