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Author: relate4ever
Clean 2017 with Douglas Jacoby
CLEAN 2017 notes
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The Problem
Too many Christians are defeated by:
* the uncleanness of materialism
* the pollution of sexual temptation
* a general lack of holiness and fire for the things of the Lord
It’s normal to feel unclean in the presence of God. But once we’re
cleansed, we should be ready for service (Isa 6:1-9; 2 Tim 2:19-22). Yet
at times we all come short in the area of discipleship.
With this in mind, the goal of this series accords with Paul’s intention
in writing to Timothy (1 Tim 1:5-7). We all need three precious things
— without which we may shipwreck our faith (1 Tim 1:18-19).
* a pure heart
* a good conscience
* a sincere faith
Seekers are attracted to God when they see a truly sacrificial spiritual
life (Rom 12:1-2; John 12:32). While none of us wants to shipwreck our
faith, the disaster normally begins with (greater and greater) moral
The Plan
Get ready for an entire month of focus on
* Cleanliness in the OT (Psalms, Proverbs, Isaiah)
* Cleanliness in the NT (James, Peter, John, Paul)
* Walking in the Light a terribly misunderstood concept
* OT and NT lepers
* NT exorcisms
* OT and NT reanimations
* Jesus’ (unique) resurrection
* Purity and Transformation in the history of Christianity
Hence the full title of the 31 parts series:
CLEAN IN ’17 Purity, Cleansing, Leprosy, Exorcism, and Reanimation.
Join us in this life-changing series, starting 1 January!
1 Purity and Cleansing in the Psalms
2 Purity and Cleansing in the Proverbs
3 Purity and Cleansing in James, Peter, and John
4 Purity and Cleansing in Paul (and Jesus)
5 Walking in the Light (seldom understood)
Leprosy series
6 The Leprosy of Miriam
7 The Leprosy of Naaman
8 The Leprosy of Gehazi
9 The Leprosy of Uzziah
10 The Four Starving Lepers of Samaria
11 The Ten Lepers of Luke 17
12 The Leper of Mark 1
Exorcism series begins
13 Mary Magdalene
14 Gerasene Demoniac
15 Mother and Child
16 Father and Child
17 The Synagogue Demoniac
18 Slave Girl of Acts 16:16
19 The House Swept Clean
Reanimation series
20 Widow of Zarephath and Son
21 Wealthy Shunammites’ Child
22 The Man Reanimated by Elisha’s Bones
23 The Old Testament Saints of Matthew 27
24 The Widow of Nain and Son
25 Jairus and Daughter
26 Lazarus
27 Tabitha (Dorcas)
28 Eutychus
29 Jesus
Why This is so Important
30 Purity and Transformation in the History of Christianity
31 Concluding challenges
CLEAN 2017 Douglas Jacoby Notes
Relate4ever Publishing –
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