
Elisha and Gehazi #Character Study

You can download the full audiobook recording on qobuz or amazon or itunes.

R4E140507 – Elisha and Gehazi (Old Testament Character Study) by Douglas Jacoby


Elijah Character Study

Elijah – My God is Yehovah – 71x in the OT 29x in the NT

1 Kings 17-2 Kings 1
James 5:17 effective prayer
Malachi 4:4-6 John the Baptist is compared to Elijah

– Did Elijah go to heaven like Enoch?
– His appearance with Moses during the Transfiguration of Yeshua
– 4 jars of water 3 times: 4 x 3 = 12 Tribes of Israel = Unity

– Some things we learn about God:
God listens to man’s voice.
God speaks to us in a voice (sometimes like a gentle whisper).
Feelings may change, God’s word does not change.
The future will take care of itself when we are trusting the Lord.


Memorial Day

Memorial Holiday or Decoration Day to remember military who have died while serving.


Ahab and Jezebel #Character Study

You can download the full audiobook recording on qobuz or amazon or itunes.

R4E140502 – Ahab and Jezebel (Old Testament Character Study) by Douglas Jacoby