
Holy Spirit

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Holy Spirit Hymn by Cristian Paduraru from Singing Scriptures on Relate4ever

————————— Chorus (John 14:26,15:25,Ef 4:30,Act 13:52,21:4) We are sealed with The Counselor, All disciples of the Anointed Yeshua! We are guided by The Holy Spirit, All who are sons of the Heavenly Father!

————————— Ver (John 14:16-17,26,16:7-8) The Father will give you, The Helper, that He may abide, with you forever, The Spirit of truth, Whom the world, does not see and does not know, He will teach you, all things, and remind you, all that I said to you, He will reprove, the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment.

————————— Ver (Rom 8:9,14-16,26-27,1 Cor 3:16,6:19) You have received, a spirit of adoption, by which we cry out: Father! The Spirit also helps, our weakness, how to pray, as we should, He Himself, intercedes for us, with unspeakable, groanings Your body, is the temple of God, because of The Spirit, who dwells in you

————————– Ver (2 Tim 1:7, Gal 5:22-23, Rom 14:17) Stir up the gift of God, not of timidity, but of power and love, and discipline. The fruit of The Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. The kingdom of God, is about justice, peace and joy, in the Holy Spirit.

————————– Ver (Tit 3:4-7, Jn 15:26, Act 9:31) God saved us, by the washing, of regeneration, by the Holy Spirit, Which He shed, on us abundantly, through Yeshua, our Lord, and Saviour, That being justified, by His grace, we should be made, heirs, to the hope, of eternal, life. The congregations, continued to increase, being built up, in the Holy Spirit.


Introduction: Jesus was given the Spirit in full measure, no limit. (John 3:34). There are three measures of the Holy Spirit:

(1) The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit

Terminology from Romans 8:9
Indwelling received at baptism (Acts 2:38) – Promised to all disciples (39)

(2) The Outpouring (aka Baptism with the Holy Spirit)

A. Characteristics only in Acts 2 and Acts 10

Promise (not command): Acts 1:4-5
Predicted (prophesied)
Came without warning. (People were not specifically praying for it.)
Known languages
Purpose: to usher in the Kingdom with power (Acts 1:8)

B. Accounts of the “Baptism” with the Holy Spirit

To the Jews — in Jerusalem (Acts 2)
To the Gentiles — begins with Cornelius (Acts 10)
(a) Note: Cornelius and his household were water baptized in Acts 10:48, saved at baptism.
(b) Peter explained actions to the Jews. (Acts 11:1-18)
(c) “At the beginning” (Acts 11:15)
(d) Peter gives the “keys to the Kingdom” to both Jews and Gentiles.

C. Does the Baptism with the Holy Spirit still exist today? Ephesians 4:4-6: There is one baptism — which one? (Written about 60-62 A.D.). There are three options:

John’s baptism — Passed when the new covenant began. (Acts 19:1-5)
The Baptism with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2 and Acts 10) — is no longer present as it was a prophecy/promise that has been fulfilled. It was never a general command for all Christians.
Baptism with water in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins to receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
(a) Jesus commanded this baptism. (Matthew 28:18-20)
(b) This baptism is recorded all the way through the book of Acts and the Epistles. In fact, Peter was present for all the baptisms: John’s baptism, both accounts of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, and preached water baptism in the name of Jesus in Acts 2 (33 A.D.) and in 1 Peter 3:18-21 (written around 64 A.D.), well after all the events of the book of Acts.
(c) It had to be the one baptism of Ephesians 4:4-6 as it was the only one practiced by 60-62 A.D. when Ephesians was written.

(3) The miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit

Received by the apostles’ laying on of hands
No longer present today (or people would truly know them because of the internet)

(1) Types of Miraculous Gifts

A. 1 Corinthians 12:8-10
Distinguishing Spirits

B. (Mark 16:16-18) Some will be able to:

Drink poison and not die
Be bitten by snakes and not die (Acts 28:5)

(2) Types of “Laying on of Hands”

A. Blessing (Acts 13:3)

B. Healing

Ananias heals Paul’s blindness (Acts 9:17-18)
Paul heals Publius’ father on Malta. (Acts 28:8)

C. Passing on the Gifts

Apostles pass on the gifts. (Acts 8:18)
These people could not pass on the gifts that they received.

(a) Acts 6:1-8: Context is the choosing of “The Seven.” This is the first occasion that the gifts were passed. Stephen immediately starts to perform miraculous signs among the people with God’s power (v.8).

(b) Acts 8:1-25: Context is after Stephen’s martyrdom. Great persecution breaks out. Many leave, but apostles stay in Jerusalem. Philip, one of “The Seven” who had received the gifts in Acts 6:1-8, goes to Samaria. He performs many miraculous signs and healings to get people to believe (v. 6), including Simon the Sorcerer (v. 13), and they are baptized. (They became Christians and thus receive the forgiveness of sins and the gift (indwelling) of the Holy Spirit, Acts 2:38). When apostles come to Samaria, Simon saw that the Spirit’s gifts were only given by apostles’ laying on of hands and offers them money for this ability (Acts 8:18). Note: Simon didn’t ask Philip for the gifts because Philip could not pass them on. Simon is rebuked for having the wrong motivation.

(c) Acts 19:1-6: Paul finds disciples in Ephesus who didn’t know what the Holy Spirit was because they had only received John’s baptism of repentance. Then they were baptized into the name of Jesus Christ to receive the forgiveness of their sins and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (v. 5). Then they receive the miraculous gifts of prophecy and speaking in tongues by the laying on of Paul’s hands (v. 6). Paul is an apostle.

(3) General Observations

A. Apostles were able to pass on the gifts because they were apostles. The Apostles possessed the ability to perform miracles even during the ministry of Christ (Luke 9:1). This ability to pass and perform the gifts was not given at Pentecost.

B. 1 Corinthians 12 and 14 are not the directives on how to receive tongues (the church there had already received them), but rather the correctives on how to use them because everyone was speaking at the same time and misusing the tongues. 1 Corinthians 12:28-30 shows that tongues as a gift were not given to everyone in the church. Thus the concept of a “Pentecostal church” (every member speaking in tongues) is contrary to Scripture.

C. 1 Corinthians 13:8-10: “Perfection” here could not mean the coming of Christ because it is in the neuter gender in Greek, not the masculine gender. When perfection comes probably refers to the canonization of the Bible some time after the first century. At that time, all the miraculous gifts would be gone because all the apostles and those to whom they passed the gifts would have died.

D. The purpose of the miraculous gifts from 1 Corinthians 14:20-22:

To get non-believers to believe (tongues were only to be used to bring non-believers to faith).
To edify the Christians and strengthen their faith.
Now the Bible fulfills these needs — thus the church today does not need apostles or miraculous gifts.

E. 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 shows that there can be miracles by Satan today. Satan’s purpose is to deceive people about the truth, so they will not be saved.

F. Speaking in “tongues” is common in many religions, because religion gets dried and staid. These are also called “ecstatic utterances” — non-understandable sounds and fragments of speech.

G. A disciple can be filled with the Spirit without speaking in tongues (Ephesians 5:18-20).

H. Jesus never spoke in tongues and he was accorded the full-measure of the Spirit (John 3:34-36).


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A. Hear the Gospel and Believe that Yeshua is the Anointed One, having all the power in Heaven and on Earth.

B. Repent then be Baptized for the forgiveness of sins and receive the Holy Spirit as a guarantee of your Salvation for Eternal Life.

C. Continue to Congregate with the disciples to fulfill the one another commandments while convert others to be disciples.

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Life and Teaching to Make Disciples

Topic: How the Scriptures are Preparing us for every Good work
Scriptures: Psalm 119, John 8, 1 Tim 4, 2 Tim3, Heb 4,

The challenge is to make at least 1 disciple this autumn.
Be prepared to fellowship, share, write goals, prayer list.

Singing Scriptures Spiritual Songs and Acappella Hymns

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iFaith Sermon Series by Douglas Jacoby

This iFaith video sermon series consists of 120 lessons from every book of the Bible, recorded for a period of several years. 

iFaith 000 Introduction to the faith series

iFaith 001 Mark A: Jesus is the Son of God, not Caesar

iFaith 002 Mark B: God Has Two Sons

iFaith 003 James A: Right Life

iFaith 004 James B: Right Choices

iFaith 005 1 Peter A: Suffering, Sacrifice, Strain

iFaith 006 1 Peter B: Eyes of Faith

iFaith 007 2 Peter A: Growing in Knowledge

iFaith 008 2 Peter B: Forward or Backward?

iFaith 009 Jude: Blown, Uprooted, Wandering

iFaith 010 Job A: Faith in Crisis 1

iFaith 011 Job B: Faith in Crisis 2

iFaith 012 Proverbs A: The Women of Proverbs

iFaith 013 Proverbs B: Accepting the Challenge

iFaith 014 Ecclesiastes A: Everything is Meaningless

iFaith 015 Ecclesiastes B: The Clock is Ticking

iFaith 016: Song of Songs Sex Wait For It

iFaith Introduction to Unit III Matt, Heb, Gal Rom

iFaith 017 Matthew A: Jesus is the 2nd Moses

iFaith 018 Matthew B: Righteousness, not Religion!

iFaith 019 Hebrews A: Christ is Supreme

iFaith 020 Hebrews B: The Truth about Falling Away

iFaith 021 Galatians A: Another Gospel

iFaith 022 Galatians B: Gospel Plus

iFaith 023 Romans A: The Inoculation

iFaith 024 Romans B: The Destination

iFaith 025 Psalms A: Why Have You Forsaken Me?

iFaith 026 Psalms B: Anchoring Our Emotions in the Word

iFaith 027 Luke A: Are You Possessed

iFaith 028 Luke B: The Two Thieves on the Cross

iFaith 029 Acts A: Barnabas Ananias and Apostles Feet

iFaith 030 Acts B: Mist & Darkness

iFaith 031 Genesis A: Heroes & Zeros Nimrod, Nephilim and Noah

iFaith 032 Genesis B: Sex, Marriage & Intermarriage

iFaith 033 1 Thessalonians A: Death is Not the End from

iFaith 034 1 Thessalonians B: Don’t Predict – Prepare! from 1 Thess 4

iFaith 035 2 Thessalonians A: Eternal Destiny from 2 Thess 1

iFaith 036, 2 Thessalonians B: Don’t Work – Don’t Eat!

iFaith 037 1 Corinthians A: Ego, Elitism, & the Corinthians

iFaith 038 1 Corinthians B: The Key to Unity

iFaith 039 2 Corinthians A: Depend on Him, Not Me

iFaith 040 2 Corinthians B: Over the Wall Weakness & Power

iFaith 041 Philippians: A Chains & Dogs

iFaith 042 Philippians B: Less of Self, and More of Thee

iFaith 043 Colossians A: Christ on a Computer Card

iFaith 044 Colossians B: Gracious Speech & an Electric Ruler

iFaith 045 Philemon: It’s all about heart

iFaith 046 Ephesians A: Predestination

iFaith 047 Ephesians B: Wake Up, O Sleeper

iFaith 048 1 Tim A: How to Avoid a Shipwreck

iFaith 049 1 Tim B: The Gospel in a Poem

iFaith 050 Titus A: A High Calling

iFaith 051 Titus B: Lifestyle Matters or Sound Doctrine It Isn’t What We Think

iFaith 052 2 Timothy A: Shame Shame Shame

iFaith 053 2 Timothy B: Last Will and Testament

iFaith 054 Exodus A: Produce – Or else!

iFaith 055 Exodus B: God’s Four Gifts

iFaith 056 John A: Long distance Faith

iFaith 057 John B: Who’s Blind

iFaith 058 1 John A: Walk the Walk

iFaith 059 1 John B: The Burden that isn’t a Burden

iFaith 060 2 John: Watch out for the Antichrist

iFaith 061 3 John: The First Will be Last, or Christians in Conflict

iFaith 062 Revelation A: Laodicea and the Lukewarm

iFaith 063 Revelation B: The Lion, the Lamb, & the Lord’s People

iFaith 064 Leviticus A: Unauthorized Fire

iFaith 065 Leviticus B: Grapes, Gossip, Grudges” (or “Neighbors to All”)

iFaith 066 Num A: Jesus & the Snake

iFaith 067 Num B: Phinehas & the Spear

iFaith 068 Deut A: Honest, Holy, Humble

iFaith 069 Deut B: Jesus in Deuteronomy

iFaith 070 Joshua A: The Commander

iFaith 071 Joshua B: The Female Joshua

iFaith 072 Judges A Deborah: The Bee & the Thunderstorm

iFaith 073 Judges B: My Kingdom, or His?

iFaith 074 Ruth: Walking in Faith or Playing it Safe?

iFaith 075 1 Sam A: Those Who Honor Me…

iFaith 076 1 Sam B: You Are Saul! The Witch on Endor, or Saul’s Last Night on Earth

iFaith 077 2 Sam A: How the Mighty Have Fallen!

iFaith 078 2 Sam B: Faith by Numbers

iFaith 079 1 Kings A: The Wise Fool or The Sophomore

iFaith 080 1 Kings B: The Gentle Whisper

iFaith 081 2 Kings A: A Tale of Two Lepers

iFaith 082 2 Kings B: Cannibalism, Desperate Lepers, and a Faithless Captain

iFaith 083 1 Chronicles A: David’s Two Houses, Pt.1 (Dealing with Disappointment)

iFaith 084 1 Chronicles B: David’s Two Houses, Pt.2

iFaith 085 2 Chronicles A: The Three Jezebels: Pure Spiritual Poison

iFaith 086 2 Chronicles B: Too Little, Too Late

iFaith 087 Isaiah A: Come Now, Let Us Reason Together

iFaith 088 Isaiah B: Here Am I – Send Aaron!

iFaith 089 Isaiah C: Rod, Club, Axe, Saw and Knife

iFaith 090 Isaiah D: Filthy Rags Isa 64, a widely misunderstood Bible passage

iFaith 091 Hosea A: The Gospel of Hosea, Pt 1

iFaith 092 Hosea B: The Gospel of Hosea, Pt 2

iFaith 093 Amos A: The Lion Has Roared

iFaith 094 Amos B: Prepare to Meet Your God

iFaith 095 Micah A: God’s Favorite Scripture

iFaith 096 Micah B: Micah & the Messiah

iFaith 097 Jeremiah A: Jeremiah Calls Out the Liars

iFaith 098 Jeremiah B: Jeremiah, Jesus & the Den of Thieves

iFaith 099 Jeremiah C: Outward Courage, Inner Turmoil

iFaith 100 Jeremiah D: Beatings, Stocks, Prison, Execution and Worse!

iFaith 101 Lamentations: The Lord is My Portion or A Crisis of Faith

iFaith 102 Jonah: The Reluctant Prophet

iFaith 103 Nahum: The God of Wrath

iFaith 104 Habakkuk: Be Utterly Amazed!


















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