

🟢 How do you use what you understood from the letter of Paul for the Romans?

1 Abominable Depravity 2 Religious Sin

3 Grace Justified 4 Faith of Abraham

5 Reconciled from Death

6 Baptism for Freedom 7 Free from Law

8 Holy Spirit Ministry

9 Israel Rejection 10 Salvation 11 Remnant

12 Transformation and Gifts

13 Authority 14 Love One Another

15 Paul Travel Plans 16 Greets Blessings

The book of Romans was written between A.D. 56 and 58, most probably, from the city of Corinth in Greece. Written by Paul, the apostle, to the Church at the City of Rome, the largest inhabited city in the western world at that time. Paul teaches in this book his that Christians are justified by faith, and not of works. Some formerly Jewish Christians were teaching that you had to stay faithful to many things in the Jewish law to be saved by God, even though you were a Christian converted as a Gentile. Paul explained why this was not so and explained what the purposes of the Jewish law was and why it had been replaced by the perfect law of Christ. As Paul was a Jewish Rabbi before he came to Christ who had learned at the feet of Gamaliel and other great Jewish teachers, his words had much authority when he spoke of the salvation that is only won through a faith in Jesus Christ, alone, not through works of the Jewish law and that Divine power for holy living is imparted through the Holy Spirit to everyone who has been baptized into Jesus Christ. So keep on preaching the pure Gospel of Christ, Christian! Amen!

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🟢 How do you use what you understood from the book of Acts?

Repent and be immersed every one of you in the name of Yeshua Anointed for the remission of your sins, and you shall receive as gift The Holy Spirit.

The promise is to all, as many as the Yehovah our God shall call. All that believed were together, and had all things in common.

Be saved from this evil generation, they that gladly received his word were immersed, and they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine, in fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.

Praising God, and having favor with all the people. and the Lord added to the church daily they that were saved. Acts 2:38-42

There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved. Acts 4:12

God who made the world and everything in it, He is the Lord of heaven and earth, He gives to all life and breath and all things to seek Him,
God now commands all men every where to repent. Because He has appointed a day when He will judge the world in righteousness. Acts 17:24-31

Ce te-a ajutat cel mai mult din Faptele Apostolilor (de Luca)?

Fapte 2:38-42,4:12
Pocãiți-vã și fiecare din voi sã fie scufundat în numele lui Yeshua spre iertarea pãcatelor voastre și primiți în dar Sfântul Duh.

Făgăduinţa aceasta este pentru toţi, în oricât de mare număr îi cheamă Yehovah Dumnezeul nostru.

Toți cei ce credeau, erau împreunã la un loc, ș-aveau toate de obște, ei lãudau pe Iehovah și erau plãcuți înaintea întregului norod.

Mântuiți-vã din mijlocul acestui neam poluat.
Cei ce-au primit propovãduirea lui, au fost scufundați.

Ei stãruiau în învãțãtura apostolilor,

în legãtura frãțeascã, în frângerea pâinii, și în rugãciuni.

4:12 În nimeni altul nu este mântuire, căci nu este sub cer niciun alt Nume dat oamenilor în care trebuie să fim mântuiţi.

Faptele Apostolilor 17:24-31

Dumnezeu care a fãcut lumea și tot ce-i în ea este Domnul cerului și pãmântului,
El care dã tuturor, viața, suflarea și toate, ca-L cautãm zilnic,
Poruncește acum, tuturor oamenilor, de pretutindeni, sã se pocãiascã.
Pentru cã a rânduit, o zi, în care, va judeca lumea, dupã dreptate.

🟢 ¿Cómo vas a aplicar lo que entendiste del libro de los hechos?

Hechos 2:38-42, 4:12
Arrepentíos, y bautícese en el nombre del Ungido Yeshua, para perdón de los pecados, y recibiréis el Espíritu Santo.

Porque para vosotros es la promesa, y para vuestros hijos, y para todos los que están lejos, cuantos Yehovah nuestro Dios llamare.

Sed salvos de esta malvada generación. Los que recibieron su palabra fueron bautizados,

Y perseveraban en la doctrina de los apóstoles, en la comunión, en el partimiento del pan y en las oraciones.

En ningún otro hay salvación, porque no hay otro nombre bajo el cielo, dado a los hombres, en que podamos ser salvos: Yeshua. 

Hechos 17:24-28-31
El Dios que hizo el mundo y todas las cosas es El Señor del cielo y de la tierra
El es quien da a todos vida y aliento y todas las cosas para que busquen a Dios
Ahora manda a todos en todo lugar que se arrepientan
Por cuanto ha establecido un día en el cual juzgará al mundo con justicia.





John comes from IehoChanan meaning Iehovah is Graceful.

How can you practice what you understood from the gospel of John?

What to pray for you? Write a comment to join the online meeting



Peace beloved, this week we read 4 chapters daily from Luke then meet online to share + pray 🌏 EN RO SP

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Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to His people.

Ce te-a ajutat cel mai mult din Evanghelia de Luca (Luminos)?

🟢 ¿Cómo vas a aplicar lo que entendiste del libro de Lucas (Brilliante)?