

The word of Yehovah (I Am Who I Am Eternal) came to Yonah meaning Dove, a bird of Peace, son of Amitai meaning Amen or True.

🟢 How can you use what you understood from this message?
🙏 God, help us call everyone to replace worldliness with godliness!

Matthew 12:38-41 Yeshua said: An evil and wicked generation seeks a sign, but no sign will be given to, except the sign of Yonah; for as he was inside of the fish three days and three nights, so will the Son of Man be inside of the earth three days and three nights; the men of Nineveh will rise up in judgment with this generation and shall condemn it, for they turned in repentance at the words of Yonah, and I am greater than Yonah.

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Obadiah means Yehovah’s Servant, and the message describes Edom’s arrogance against your brother Yakov or Jacob when Yerushalem was invaded by Babylonians, instead of helping, they mocked and plundered. References can be found in Jeremiah 49 and 2 Chronicles 21 around 850BC.

🟢 How do you use what you understood from this book?

🙏 We want to be helpful when our neighbor is hurting! What to pray for you this time?

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Amos means Burden. How materialism leads to idolatry and adultery.

Amos 3:6-7-5:4 If a horn is blown in a city, aren’t people afraid? If a disaster occurs in a city, hasn’t Yehovah done it? Indeed, Yehovah God does nothing without revealing His counsel to His servants the prophets. Yehovah says to the house of Israel: Seek Me and live!

Amos 5:10-13 They hate the one who convicts the guilty at the city gate and despise the one who speaks with integrity. Therefore, the wise person will keep silent at such a time, for the days are evil.

Amos 5:24 Let justice flow like water, and righteousness, like an unfailing stream.

Amos 7:14-15 So Amos answered, “I was not a prophet or the son of a prophet; rather, I was a herdsman, and I took care of sycamore figs. Yet Yehovah took me from following the flock and said to me, ‘Go, prophesy to My people Israel.'”

Amos 8:11 Hear this! The days are coming, this is the declaration of Yehovah God, when I will send a famine through the land: not a famine of bread or a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of Yehovah.

🟢 How do you use what you understood from this book of Amos? How do you plan to apply in your life?

🙏 Pray to live generously and expose the destruction of sin like materialism, idolatry, adultery!

❤️ Comment below to join the online Bible study group: Spanish Romanian English 

Amos significa Carga.
El materialismo conduce a la idolatría y al adulterio.

🟢 ¿Cómo usa lo que entendió del libro de Amos?

Amos 3:6-7 ¿Se tocará la trompeta en la ciudad, y no se alborotará el pueblo? ¿Habrá algún mal en la ciudad, el cual Yehovah no haya hecho? Porque no hará nada Yehovah el Señor, sin que revele su secreto a sus siervos los profetas.

Amos 5:4 Pero así dice Yehovah a la casa de Israel: Buscadme, y viviréis; 10 Ellos aborrecieron al reprensor en la puerta de la ciudad, y al que hablaba lo recto abominaron. 13 Por tanto, el prudente en tal tiempo calla, porque el tiempo es malo. 24 Pero corra el juicio como las aguas, y la justicia como impetuoso arroyo.

Amos 7:14-15 Entonces respondió Amós, y dijo a Amasías: No soy profeta, ni soy hijo de profeta, sino que soy boyero, y recojo higos silvestres y Yehovah me tomó de detrás del ganado, y me dijo: Ve y profetiza a Mi pueblo Israel.

Amos 8:11 He aquí vienen días, dice Yehovah el Señor, en los cuales enviaré hambre a la tierra, no hambre de pan, ni sed de agua, sino de oír la palabra de Yehovah.

🙏 Unete al estudio bíblico en Español Rumano Ingles 

Amos înseamnă Povară. Materialismul duce la idolatrie și adulter.

Amos 3:6-7 Sună cineva din shophar într-o cetate fără să se înspăimânte poporul? Sau se întâmplă o nenorocire într-o cetate fără s-o fi făcut Iehovah? Nu, Domnul Iehovah, nu face nimic fără să-Şi descopere taina Sa slujitorilor Săi proroci.

Amos 5:4 Așa spune Iehovah casei lui Israel: Căutați-mă și veți trăi;

5:10 Au urât mustrarea de la poarta cetății, și pe cel ce a spus ce este drept, l-au urât. 5:13 Prin urmare, cel prudent în astfel de vreme este tăcut, deoarece vremea este rea. 5:24 Dreptatea să curgă ca apele și neprihănirea ca un curs de apă puternic.

Amos 7:14-15 Amos a răspuns: Eu nu sunt profet și nici nu sunt fiul unui profet, ci sunt patron/păstor și adun smochine sălbatice și Iehovah m-a luat de după vite, și mi-a zis: Du-te și proorocește poporului Meu Israel.

Amos 8:11 Iată, vin zilele, spune Iehovah Dumnezeu, în care voi trimite foamete în țară, nu foamea de pâine, nici setea de apă, ci să se audă cuvântul lui Dumnezeu.

🟢 Ce ai înțeles din această carte a lui Amos? Cum puteți să aplicați mesajul?

🙏 Roagă-te să trăiești cu generozitate și să expui distrugerea păcatului precum materialismul, idolatria, adulterul!

❤️ Scrie un comentariu pentru a participa la adunarea online:  Spaniolă – Română – Engleză 



Yoel means Yehovah is God
Outline by Cristian Păduraru
1 Lament over a locust plague and a severe drought
2 Call to repentance in the face of Gods judgment and promise of future blessings like safety and the Holy Spirit
3 Coming judgment on Yudah’s enemies: the Philistines, Edom, and Egypt

🟢 How do you use what you understood from the book of Joel?

We are fasting for repentance, calling on the Name of Yehovah for Salvation from the contemporary locust. Replacing schools with Scripture, doctors with elders as anointed disciples, fear with faith, to be holy and healthy. How do you see these changes in your life this week?

🙏 What to pray for you? Leave a comment to join the online group!Write a comment for prayer or to join the online Bible study group: Spanish Romanian English