
Challenge – doing daily at least two hard tasks!

You know there are thing you better do and still avoid to fulfill them! Avoiding to do something that is good is bad stuff. So how can you make what is right happen in your daily life?

Here is the challenge – you will be doing every day at least two hard tasks that you believe are necessary and would be wrong to miss them out.

Try it for a week and you will be amazed on how much you will accomplish and how good you will feel about it. So good that you will be changed forever! I was.

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Stop using the phone then honor your word!

Why stop using the phone? To grow honoring your word! Also to avoid damaging your health and relations.

You can use voice over IP if needed. I will focus mainly on writing my communication. Listen!

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Your goals in the 4 dimensions of life!

What are your goals in the four dimensions of life? For me intellectually is learning, physically is living, emotionally is loving, spiritually is leaving a legacy.

Can you download this movie? Yes, from archive. Where you will invite your friends to subscribe by email? To the main feed.