
EU-RO Bible Institute

My name is Cristian Paduraru
from Eforie Church of Christ in Romania, Europe.
For 20+ years
We have been providing free  audio Bible and Christian resources via the broadcast done in native Romanian.
EU-RO Bible Institute has now 5 formal students and 20+ informal online students, and there is this need for a building. 

Cauti un Certificat Biblic gratis? Scrie-ne o cerere aici.
Ai nevoie de ajutor? Vino la adunarea din Eforie

1 Geneza 2 Exodul 3 Leviticul 4 Numeri 5 Deuteronomul
6 Iosua 7 Judecatori 8 Rut 9-10 Samuel 11-12 Regi
13-14 Cronici 15-16
Ezra – Neemia 17 Estera
18 Iov 19 Psalmi 20 Proverbe 21 Eclesiastul 22 Cantarea
Isaia 24-25 Ieremia 26 Ezechiel 27 Daniel
28 Osea 29 Ioel 30 Amos 31 Obadia
32 Iona 33 Mica 34 Naum 35 Habacuc
36 Tefania 37 Hagai 38 Zaharia 39 Maleahi
40 Matei 41 Marcu 43 Ioan 42 Luca 44 Faptele Apostolilor
45 Romani 46-47 Corinteni 48 Galateni 49 Efeseni 50 Filipeni 51 Coloseni 52-53 Tesaloniceni 54 Tit 55-56 1-2 Timotei 57 Filimon
58 Evrei 59 Iacov 60-61 1-2 Petru 62-64 1-2-3 Ioan 65 Iuda

If we give you the opportunity to attend the online fund raising events usually on Saturdays would you join to write history for God together and make a difference in training ministers for Romania?

Our Mission in Romania Starts with You

My name is Cristian Paduraru, and I’d like your help in building a much-needed church in the town of Eforie in the country of Romania. God led me here with my family to carry out my next mission, and many resources are needed to accomplish the goals we have set before us.

We have been blessed with the beauty and serenity of this location, and we have implemented many grassroots efforts to begin building a congregation, and funds are needed which is why we are asking for your help with prayer, spiritual guidance, and funding.

We currently face nearly $3,000 in ongoing monthly expenses which provides shelter for our services, resources for mission trips, living expenses for our family who has relocated to support this mission, and food for distribution to the needy.

Our goal is to secure 10 sponsoring churches this month with a contribution from each of $10,000 for purchasing the building for Eforie Church. This generous gift will enable us to host 10 members from each church next summer with food and accommodations so that you too can personally experience the urgency and calling for this mission.

I was blessed to have helped establish Loja congregation in 2016 followed by establishment of Vilcabamba fellowship in 2017. This is your chance to make Eforie our next success story by helping build the physical and spiritual infrastructure needed to continue spreading the word and growing our following. 

For information on how to become a sponsoring church
or to make any contribution to our cause, please write us now