
Galatians Explained Do NOT Circumcise Instead…

What helped you from the letter of Paul for the Galatians?
How do you use what you understood from this message?

1:6 keep grace Gospel
2:20 Christ lives in me
3:27 baptized clothed with Christ
3:28 We all are one in Christ
4:6 sons of God – Spirit in our hearts
4:31 children of the free woman
5:2 do NOT circumcise
5:13 free to serve one another
5:22 fruit of the Spirit
5:23 love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control
6:1 restore gently mindful
6:7 reap what you sow
6:15 new creation is everything

The theme Paul writes about is the fact that Christ brought liberty and freedom from sin and from the bindings of the Law of Moses. He also admonishes those who who have returned trying to observe the law are turning their backs on Christ and the freedom from the law to live again in bondage. He reminds them that freedom is not license to live in sin, as Christ has given us the power to live victoriously over sin which used to hold us captive and that power comes from the Holy Spirit. So do NOT circumcise and do NOT undermine baptism! 

Ce te-a ajutat cel mai mult din scrisoarea lui Pavel pentru Galateni?

¿Qué te ayudó más de la carta de Pablo a los Galatas?